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BenOp/LNBL Resources:
A Virtual School for the Lord's Service

How can you be a faithful Christian and "live not by lies" in the midst of a society increasingly at odds with the Gospel?

The Benedict Option is a strategy for Christians in a post-Christian world — Here are the tools & resources to move from strategy into action, and from ideas to real life. 

  Coming Soon. 

Let's Face the Truth

We are living in times where it is hard to be a faithful Christian, and increasingly it is difficult (in many cases impossible) to authentically live the Gospel while completely embedded in structures and systems at best unhelpful and often inimical to Christian life.


Of course, with this comes a whole host of questions and challenges:

  • How do we actually build Christian community?

  • What are the guiding principles for finding the right balance between community life and personal freedom?

  • How can we faithfully support one another to Live Not by Lies?

  • How do we rediscover the basics of forming a life of Christian prayer?

Learn from the Masters

To find the answers to these (and other) questions, we will draw from the wealth of wisdom from not only contemporary sources, but also from important Christian leaders and thinkers who stood against the secular totalitarianism of the last two centuries, and also from ancient Christian sources as well.

From BenOp basics and community building, to spiritual theology and political resistance, you will learn everything relevant to living as a Christian in a post-Christian society.

New Resources Every Month

Learn practical aspects of finding and creating authentic Christian community, leadership and organization skills and practices, Christian history and culture, BenOp economics and politics, and spiritual theology of prayer, all from an orthodox Christian perspective. 


All of these resources will be organized by topic, and new material will be added every month, in an ever-growing library of essential writings, videos, talks, courses, and workshops addressing contemporary challenges in building and living a Christian way of life faithfully in the modern world.


Preview what's inside:

How did we get here? Where are we going? How do we get there?

Here you will find the core background and foundations for living as a Christian in a post-Christian society.

Image by Katherine Hanlon

Any community, any life, that does not have a praying heart with Christ at the core, cannot survive. Here are the resources to deepen your spiritual life and cultivate communities of prayer in the midst of a secular age.

Image by Who’s Denilo ?

Every group effort, every community, inherently needs leadership and organization. Here you will learn from the masters what works, what doesn't, and how to discern well in the journey of cultivating authentic Christian community.


A big part of making this all happen in the real world is "getting our house in order" (the original meaning of the term 'economics'). Here are the material and economical considerations that shape a truly Christian relationship to and stewardship of God's creation.

  Coming Soon. 

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